Teaching and Students

Teaching assistant

Lecturer for professional audiences

Advising of MSc graduating students

Teaching assistant

@Politecnico di Milano.

All course material is available on WeBeep.

  • 2024 / 2025
    • Databases – BSc Computer Science and Engineering – 5 ECTS – ??? students
  • 2023 / 2024
    • Databases – BSc Computer Science and Engineering – 5 ECTS – 265 students
    • Digital Technologies – BSc Management Engineering – 5 ECTS – 198 students
  • 2022 / 2023
    • Databases – BSc Computer Science and Engineering – 5 ECTS – 263 students
    • Digital Technologies – BSc Management Engineering – 5 ECTS – 211 students
  • 2021 / 2022
    • Fundamentals of Computer Science – BSc Management Engineering – 10 ECTS – 289 students
    • Digital Technologies – BSc Management Engineering – 5 ECTS – 214 students
  • 2020 / 2021
    • Fundamentals of Computer Science – BSc Management Engineering – 10 ECTS – 282 students
    • Digital Technologies – BSc Management Engineering – 5 ECTS – 197 students
  • 2019 / 2020
    • Fundamentals of Computer Science – BSc Management Engineering – 10 ECTS – 280 students
    • Databases – BSc Computer Science and Engineering – 5 ECTS – 211 students
    • Digital Technologies – BSc Management Engineering – 5 ECTS – 179 students

Lecturer for professional audiences

4 editions in 2019 – 2024

Strategic and Innovative Operation and Maintenance Management

Corporate Master for ENEL
Organized by
PoliMi Department of Energy

3 editions in 2023-2024

Database and Programming

Organized by
Made Competence Center Industry 4.0


Big Data Management
and Cybersecurity

International Master in
Fintech, Finance, and Digital Innovation
Organized by
PoliMi Graduate School of Management


New Role School:
Data Scientist

for Generali
Delivered by
PoliMi Graduate School of Management

2 editions in 2022 and 2023

Relational Databases

International Master in
Business Analytics and Big Data
Organized by

Advising of MSc graduating students

Mostly co-advised with Prof. Letizia Tanca:

  • 2024
    • Alessandro Carotenuto – From ECG to OMOP: Development of an OMOP-based ETL Pipeline for ECG-related Bio-Signal Information
    • Lorenzo Male – Exploring DICOM standard in data lakes: a graph data catalog
  • 2023
    • Victor de Oliveira – Metadata Extraction and Digital News Preservation
    • Marcello Bavaro – Italian word embeddings and machine translation: application in the biomedical field
    • Priyansh Kumar – A minimum metadata model for healthcare data interoperability
  • 2022
    • Francesco Dolci – Adding semantics to data lake metadata
    • Mohamed Mahmoud – NLP for Entity Matching: End-to-End Solution
    • Gabriele Palermo – Data Lakes as an Appropriate Integration Tool: Problems and Solution
  • 2021
    • Luca Grella – Conceptual representation of context-awareness: an XML formalization and a graphical interface
    • Giovanni Gangemi – Extraction of Medical Concepts from Italian Natural Language Descriptions

and many others co-advised at the Technologies for Information Systems LAB.

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